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Technology answers Technology Competence Questions: What else you can learn at the ABA TechShow

Techie Lawyer in Chicago Hotel (MIU+AI/DALL • E 2)

By Mitch Zoll, Mark Unger, and… ChatGPT

There are several ways that a lawyer can stay competent in technology:

  1. Continuing Legal Education (CLE): Many states require lawyers to participate in ongoing legal education, and many CLE programs now offer courses and seminars on technology and its application in the practice of law.
  2. Professional Development: Attending conferences, such as ABA Techshow, and participating in webinars, can help lawyers stay current with the latest technology and trends in the legal field.
  3. Networking: Joining professional organizations, such as the ABA Legal Technology Resource Center, or attending networking events can help lawyers connect with other legal professionals who are knowledgeable about technology and its application in the practice of law.
  4. Self-study: Lawyers can also stay competent in technology by reading relevant articles, books and blogs to stay current with the latest trends and developments in the field.
  5. Hands-on experience: Lawyers can also stay competent in technology by using relevant software, apps, and tools in their practice, such as e-discovery software, legal research databases, and document management systems.
  6. Hiring outside help: Lawyers can also stay competent in technology by hiring outside help such as IT staff, LegalTech consultants or virtual paralegals for the specific needs of their practice.

It’s important for lawyers to stay up-to-date with technology in order to be able to effectively represent their clients and to be able to navigate the legal landscape of the 21st century.


What is ABA Techshow?

ABA Techshow is an annual conference and expo designed for legal professionals to learn about the latest technology and its application in the practice of law. Attending ABA Techshow can help lawyers stay current with the latest tools and trends in the legal field, network with other legal professionals, and gain valuable continuing legal education (CLE) credits. Additionally, the conference typically features keynote speakers and panel discussions on a wide range of topics, providing attendees with valuable insights and perspectives on the intersection of technology and the law. Overall, ABA Techshow is a great opportunity for lawyers to stay informed, stay engaged, and stay competitive in the legal field.


The content above was written entirely by ChatGPT, the new AI content platform at has the potential to revolutionize the way we obtain and process written information.  Although ChatGPT can only pass portions of the Bar (On LawNext Podcast: Can the AI of GPT-3.5 Pass the Bar Exam? We Find Out | LawSites), it is ready to help provide FAQ responses to your clients’ questions.

But where does ChatGPT fall short? I next asked ChatGPT: “Why am I going to TechShow?” This time ChatGPT was stumped: “I’m sorry, I am an AI and I do not have the information about your personal schedule or reasons why you would be going to the ABA Techshow.”

Luckily, I have the answer to this one. TechShow was the first legal conference I attended when I opened my firm. The information I learned there, and the connections I made, have been invaluable to building a practice that allows me to efficiently serve my clients while balancing the work-life balance I wanted at an attorney. The sessions provided marketing, operations, client service and, of course, technology related information and I have called upon that information every day in the operation of my firm.   The vendor expo has the leading and emerging law firm tech providers there to answer questions and I can learn about and evaluate the best tools for my firm. Finally, I am going back because as Technology evolves and improves, I want my firm to do the same.

Time is running out if you want to join me at TechShow but the discounted rate DEADLINE has been extended to February 25thABA TECHSHOW

Members of Computer & Technology Section can register for ABA TECHSHOW 2023 at an additional special reduced rate of $100 off the standard rate using discount code EP2312 at checkout, but the rate increases soon!

ABA TechShow 2023 – Early Bird Deadline is EXTENDED TO JANUARY 25, 2023

ABA TechShow 2023 Early Bird Deadline is EXTENDED UNTIL January 25, 2023!!!

$100 Off price for Friends in the Computer & Tech Section,

State Bar of Texas

use PROMOTER CODE: EP2312  (links at bottom)

What: The best legal tech show for solos and small to medium firms in the country.

When: March 1-4, 2023

Where: Hyatt Regency Chicago, 151 E. Wacker, Chicago, Illinois

LowdownMark I. Unger w/ Mitchell Zoll

For the first time in several years, ABA TechShow is back in all things “live!” in Chicago, March 1-4, 2023.

If you’ve never been, this is a significant opportunity as there are more legal technology startups and providers than there have ever been in my recollection. In addition, expect massive pushes by those who have gobbled up or been gobbled up as a result of the disruption that occurred during Covid.

All prognostications I’m seeing in the news seem to imply a bad year financially. I truly hope this is not the case, but the key to surviving if not thriving this next year will, IMO, be creating efficiencies. These often come with some of the legal tech solutions offered over the last 10 years and refined over the last 3.

I’ve been fortunate to attend most years over the last 15 and every year is a ramp-up, but this year, I’m expecting really significant things from them. If you go, I hope you soak in as much as possible between the CLE tracks and topics as well as the Vendors on and off the beaten path.

Key tracks include:

I.             Core Concepts

II.            Financial Management

III.          Futures

IV.           Litigation Tech

V.            Operations

VI.           Transactional Tech

VII.         Client Experience and

VIII.        Marketing

Key topics that stand out at first glance

Wed PM:

Start-Up Pitch Competition with Bob Ambrogi Robert Ambrogi (legend of a nice guy and pitches from maybe a dozen startups looking to hit it big w/lawyers and law firms; my favorite part of TechShow).

Thursday + Friday:

Tech Competence: Now that 40 Jurisdictions mandate some form of the ABA trickledown model rule comment regarding technology as a part of competence, this panel boasts 4 well-known though leaders on the subject. As relevant now as it was before Covid, probably more so.

Billing 101 With Tech – I could spend a day talking about this and how practice management systems, apps, snippets and workflows cut my billing entry down to 15-30 seconds per, but why not start with this; this is low-hanging fruit for consultants because with the right tools, it’s basically creating what I call “free money” (that which you can get back in time and money for ‘efficiencizing.’

Using AI and Data Analytics in Litigation

Legal Marketing Trends: Where Should You Spend Your Marketing Resources?

Early and Often: Better Client Communication through Automation – Regina Edwards (“Lawyer on the Beach” FB Group) is on this panel and is, IMO, extraordinary in workflow efficiencies. This will be a no-miss.

The Security Challenge for Microsoft 365: In Plain Language You Can Understand— Ben Schorr is old school, but even previously as a consultant who Microsoft bought, ‘er hired, he’s the best as all things MS; veteran TS speaker, another no-miss.

Web3 and Law Firm Financials

Using AI and Data Analytics in Litigation

Leaving the Law Firm for Greener $$ Pastures

Mac Hacks – With my friend Brett Burney (probably one of the top 5 technology consultants in the country and an overall phenomenal guy; and from Texas originally, to boot.

Practicing with Bots: Where to Draw the Ethical Lines?

Technology Assisted Review – Not sure where we’ll end up, but if dealing with ESI (now which identification and location is mandated under the new Texas mandatory disclosures’ rules), then this might be a good place to start learning. Mostly used with big discovery, we are ripe for a turn towards turnkey, small law solutions. #FingersCrossed

I Didn’t Know PDFs Could Do That – Darla Jackson and Dan Siegel – we all need regular CLE on this every year, myself included

Law Firm Efficiency Overhaul: Optimize Your Tech Stack for Maximum Performance – Including our own Texas Attorney, Alex Shahrestani, this is one for everyone looking to review what software apps you are using and where you can up your game.

Transactional Word Document Automation Workshop, Part 1 (and Part 2 on day 2) Kenton Brice   runs the OU Law School Library currently and more importantly is the Director of Technology Innovation there. He is outstanding and a great person to know and bounce things off of; together with massive veteran knowledge of Ivan Hemmans, Barron Henley and another top 5 pick Paul Unger, this room will be packed.

Follow the above with —

What’s Up with Word for discussion of newer features again with Barron Henley and Ben Schorr.

NFTs and Web3: What are They and How Does Intellectual Property Law Apply?

The market may have cratered, but some of the cryptocurrencies are still around (as is Bitcoin, Ethereum etc.)

Countering the Cyberthreat Tsunami: Start with the Basics

w/ Legend veteran David Ries

Automating the Transactional Client Lifecycle

With Sofia Stefanie Lingos and Andrea Sager, look to this to complement Regina Edwards workflows and presentation tips.

Hacks to Command and Control Your PC

Former TS Chairs Debbie Foster (now part of the biggest legal tech consulting merger of companies I’ve ever seen) and Ivan Hemmans, on legal hacks or shortcuts…these are likely going to be gold at a time when gold is desperately needed.

Designing an A+ Client Experience including another top 5 Catherine Reach

Justice Tech: Using Innovation to Reduce the Access to Justice Gap

No Code, No Problem: Unleash the Power of Automation to Transform Your Law Firm – follow-up from day one

Contract Management Systems

Getting Things Done: Overcoming Procrastination and Implementing Technology to Better Manage Your Time (I’ve got five bucks that says ‘pomodoro’ will be mentioned multiple times). Paul Unger

Data-Driven Tech: What’s your ROI?

Document Management and Compliance

60 in 60

Closing out the sessions, for the first time now on Friday at 4:30 instead of Saturday morning, this is the most entertaining 60 minutes in legal technology (with a couple nods to keynotes in past years including Ben Stein and David Pogue and Lawrence Lessig, among others.


The ABA will seek 9 hours of CLE credit in 60-minute states, and 10.8 hours of CLE credit for this program in 50-minute states [including 2 hours of Ethics CLE credit in 60-minute states and 2.4 hours of Ethics CLE credit in 50-minute states]


All information:



#legaltech #Techshow #ABATechshow #Chicago #LegalTechnology #ContinuousImprovement #LegalPracticeManagement

Circuits Volume 17: November, 2020

This issue of Circuits contains the following featured articles:

  • With Ransomware Attacks Increasing, Cyber Insurance Now Seen as a Necessity, Not a Luxury by Shawn Tuma
  • Novel Privacy Issues Arising During the Novel Coronavirus by Elizabeth Rogers
  • Age of the Automated Attorney? An Overview of Artificial Intelligence in the Legal Sector by Kirsten Kumar
  • Court Considers Insurance Coverage for Phishing Attack by Lisa M. Angelo

In addition, there are a set of Short Circuits:

  • Seized Digital Devices Cannot Wait Forever by Pierre Grosdidier
  • Companies Transferring Data from the EU to the US May Be Left Scrambling for Solutions: The Invalidation of the EU-US Privacy Shield by Lisa M. Angelo

You can download a formal copy of this issue here.

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